Alpha and Beta Industrial

Industrial Axial Roof Ventilator

Excl. VAT

  • Wide choice of speeds available.
  • Adjustable pitch impellers provide a wide range of performances.
  • Impeller blades can be GRP, aluminium, nylon or anti-static to suit the application. GRP blades are standard.
  • Shutters are standard on the RVLE range and an optional extra on the RDLE units.
  • Can be used for free intake or ducted systems.
  • Can be mounted at angles up to 30°.
  • All standard motors are speed-controllable using variable speed drives.
  • Multi-speed motors as well as motors to meet Ex d, Ex e, Ex nA or Ex tD Standards can be supplied.



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or +91 33-24988126 (India)

Compatible Accessories


The Alpha & Beta Industrial Series of axial roof units are designed for a wide range of free intake and ducted exhaust systems. These durable and robust units feature adjustable pitch impellers which allows for optimum airflow and power efficiency. There are 6 sizes in each range extending from 500 to 1000mm diameter.

Features and Benefits

Smoke-spill Application

The Beta Industrial RSSL Series of smoke-spill fans has been fully tested to meet the air performance and high temperature test requirements of Standards AS/NZS1668.1:1998 and AS4429:1999.

Weather Resistance

Mushroom cowls limit water ingress in a range of weather conditions.

Discharge damper fail-open latching

An additional requirement of AS/NZS1668.1:1998 with respect to un-sprinklered buildings (300°C for 30mins) requires dampers to fail-open during smoke spill operation.

The fail-open discharge damper latches come in two forms; the first being a manual release type requiring manual closing after the fan has been run. The second design, an electro-mechanical type permits the shutter latch to release and close automatically after the fan stops. For advice on smoke-spill wiring requirements refer to AS/NZS1668.1:1998.

Additional Information

Quick select envelope curves are shown on pages D-8/9. Accurate selections, including comprehensive Noise Data, can be obtained from your local Elta Fans office or by using the Intelligent Ventilation Product Selection Program. Refer to Elta Fans for performances at speeds other than shown. When shutters are fitted ensure the roof unit is mounted with the shutter spindle pointing down the roof. When shutters are fitted to the Alpha series derate the performance by 15-20%. Where prevailing winds are high we recommend the fitting of Magloks®. For capacities greater than shown for the Alpha & Beta Industrial series, contact your local Elta Fans office.

For applications prone to high prevailing winds refer to PDF.



Pressed galvanised steel base; cowls and windbands are of plastic, fibreglass or galvanised steel. Shutters can be fitted as an optional extra on the Alpha series. Metal components have a corrosion resistant finish.


Impeller blades are GRP as standard with an option of aluminium, nylon or anti-static materials where required.


The fans are built with a squirrel cage induction motor with sealed for life ball bearings. The motors to suit a wide range of voltages and frequencies can be supplied. Motors with 2-speed windings or to meet Ex d, Ex e, Ex nA or Ex tD standards can be supplied.


Speed-controllable using variable speed drives.


Thermistors can be provided on all motors except where standards prohibit their use.


All units are tested to BS848:Part 1, 1980 (airside performance) and BS848:Part 2, 1985 (sound performance).

Typical Applications

Engine and Machinery Rooms
Engine and Machinery Rooms
Refrigerated Warehousing
Refrigerated Warehousing
Smoke Extract
Smoke Extract
Military Hospitals
Military Hospitals
Safe Rooms and Shelters
Safe Rooms and Shelters
Military Buildings
Military Buildings
Vehicle Decks
Vehicle Decks
Cargo and Container Holds
Cargo and Container Holds
Helicopter / Aircraft Hangers and Decks
Helicopter / Aircraft Hangers and Decks
Cold Stores
Cold Stores
Pumping Stations
Pumping Stations
Paper and Wood Plants
Paper and Wood Plants
Sugar Refineries
Sugar Refineries
Industrial Ovens
Industrial Ovens
Water Treatment Plants
Water Treatment Plants
Food Processing Plants
Food Processing Plants
Boiler Rooms
Boiler Rooms
Data and Information Centres
Data and Information Centres
Chemical and Petrochemical Plants
Chemical and Petrochemical Plants
Recycling Plants
Recycling Plants
Cement Plants
Cement Plants
Air Conditioning Plants
Air Conditioning Plants
Welding Shops
Welding Shops
Spray Booths
Spray Booths
Textile Manufacturing
Textile Manufacturing
Automotive Manufacturing
Automotive Manufacturing
Ceramic and Glass Manufacturing
Ceramic and Glass Manufacturing
Warehousing and Stores
Warehousing and Stores
Distribution Depots
Distribution Depots
Loading and Docking Bays
Loading and Docking Bays

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